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Reny Miller: Secrets and Squeezy Jam

So first my mother saddles me with a crazy name like Serendipity and then she goes and dies on me. Okay, so the name thing I can deal with, as long as everyone calls me Reny.  And at least my Mum passed on her singing voice to me…even if I only use it within the safety of my bedroom walls.  But lately I’ve noticed something else she’s left behind too, this niggling feeling in the back of mind that her death didn’t happen the way they all say it did. I can’t explain it, I can just feel it. The only thing I know for sure is that five years later my Dad is still in bits over it. He used to be this cool rock star but now he does nothing except watch me like a hawk. I didn’t mind it so much when I was a kid but now that I’m a teenager, it’s getting pretty annoying. But I suppose it’s kind of a miracle that he’s not a complete nutter when you consider his own parents. I love my Nana Joan and Granddad Joe but they are utterly bonkers, unless you think wearing tinfoil helmets and popping pills is normal. My Aunty Karen didn’t come out of it so lucky; she literally creates her own brand of crazy and wears it as an outfit. I swear I’d go mad too if it weren’t for my best friend Sam…who I’m kinda having these weird feelings about. I can’t be sure but after researching the symptoms online, I think I may be in love with him. The only problem is he seems more interested in my Dad’s hot new guitar student Tommy. Sure he’s got these sparkly green eyes, bouncy curly hair and the voice of a rock god, but please, what a poser. He’d almost give the IT gang of 1st year, the Backcomb Brigade a run for their money, but don’t even get me started on them.  I know the exact day my life got so complicated…I just don’t know when it’s gonna stop…if ever.


Lies and Lobster Claws
Reny's life should be perfect, she has the boy of her dreams, her Dad is finally moving on with his life and she's even exploring her own musical talents with a spot of city centre busking. But no matter how hard she tries to push it out of her mind, her mother's death still lingers heavy there. As she struggles to lay her own demons of distrust and abandonment to rest with the help of a very special friend, Reny also manages to push away the one person who can really comfort her. In a bid to escape her mistakes, Reny finds herself in West Cork for the summer with Aunty Karen and her boyfriend, Mr. McAvoy. But instead of being the solution to her problems, it just brings some of its own, namely in the form of local charmer Cully. And when her best friend Sam needs her more than ever, Reny realises it's time to stop running, to stand up and be heard, no matter what the cost.

Promises and Peanut Butter
Reny's street stunt spreads online and she is fast becoming a source of counsel for other teens. Thanks to Nora, Reny starts to use her musical talents in music therapy sessions, helping people trapped in their despair to reach out. Despite Tommy's concerns over her online communications, Reny's forms a close bond with one of her followers, a boy who claims to be suicidal over the accidental death of his brother. And with her growing connection to this boy in need, soon her relationship with Tommy isn’t the only thing on the line.

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